Mark West’s workshop aimed to digitally simulate parameters for formwork shells. These shells were created using fabric with a tessellated pattern on top, treated as blocks. Parameters under examination included shape (triangle, square, hexagon), block thickness, and separation distance. Hexagonal geometry was chosen for optimized curvature and structural properties using Inspire software. Forces and supports were applied equally to determine the area requiring optimization. This result guided changes in the tessellation pattern. In collaboration with Mark West, CAST founder, and the Royal Danish Academy of Art, Copenhagen, a 1:1 model was constructed, along with a 1:10 model based on topological optimization for dome structures using fabric and brick patterns. Autodesk’s Maya and Altair’s Inspire software were utilized.
Year | 2014
Location | Copenhagen, Denmark
Status | MArch Thesis
Program | Digital Simulation
Tutors | S. Bhooshan, M.West, A. Sondergaard, A.Nahmad
Team | Mattia Santi, S. Aburas, G. Nikas, M. P. Velasquez